Monday, March 19, 2007

Mantra for the Repressed

I came across this internet phenomenon last fall, and it still is pretty amusing, so I'm finally getting around to posting about it. I haven't written much about my work thus far, but will probably get into it more in the future. Suffice it to say that I don't exactly condone this approach to dealing with frustrations. With that in mind, I titled my post after a classic Monty Python scene.

With that said, the spiritual quality of this song and simple message is a great counterpoint to the lyrics. Here is the original. It is worth listening to for the explanation of the setting. After that was released a whole lot of remixes were made. It even spawned thoughts of a music video (warning, embedded video) that is worth watching. This whole affair is wonderful in showing how a lot of amateur work can combine for something cool in a unique way.


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